Spotlight on a Little Bleeder: HAYDEN C.

16th January 2022

This year we’re taking a look at some of the incredible things Little Bleeders are doing to keep active and manage their haemophilia. Hayden is testament that his condition isn’t going to slow him down or stop him from doing some amazing things. Hayden is 9 and told us his favourite thing to do is ride his trails bike and compete against others. When he finishes school he’d like to go into engineering as maths is his favourite subject.

To manage his haemophilia he has treatment three times a week but is currently looking at a different treatment with his bleeding disorders team that would mean a treatment every two weeks instead. Hayden talked up Ben Nevis last summer – no easy feat – and has been doing karate since he was 4.

Way to go Hayden – you are inspiring so many other young haemophiliacs!



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