It has been an exciting week for the LB team including the 27 November when they experienced their busiest, most successful day yet! Alex Dowsett and Wil Woan made the rounds discussing the 180 Haemophilia Report on the radio and in Parliament,
The day started with Alex and a feature interview on BBC Radio 2 where he met DJ Chris Evans and sport reporter Vassos Alexander to talk about the 180 report, Little Bleeders (LB) and how Alex handles haemophilia and a successful cycling career. This exciting interview was followed by 12 more radio interviews with Alex and Dr Dan Hart, LB Trustee and Lead LB Clinician who contributed to the report.
The day continued with top secret meetings with exciting new supporters who are going to be helping LB on some of our big events and activities for 2019, watch this space for our big reveal!
Finally, Alex, Dan and Wil Woan, LB Director and Jan Dowsett arrived at the Houses of Parliament to help with the launch of the 180 Haemophilia Report. Jan spoke to the 30+ guests about her experience as Alex’s mum and how while she has seen big improvements in terms of treatment, she still sees parents and families experiencing the same fear she did when Alex was young and that is due to a continued lack of information.
Dr Hart then spoke to the group about the key findings of the 180 Report and explained some of the advances in the treatment of haemophilia that have come about over the last few decades. He explained that the treatment is still advancing and that in the future it will be even easier for people with haemophilia to enjoy full lives.
The group also got to hear form Liz Carroll, CEO of the Haemophilia Society who talked about the support that they offer to people and families that live with haemophilia in the UK. She praised the report and how it helps to spur the conversation about haemophilia forward from the restrictions of the condition to living great lives with proper management of it.
The 180 report was well received and will help to further support our work ensuring that young people with haemophilia can live active lives doing the sports and activities that they love. The report helps to solidify the message that a diagnosis of haemophilia doesn’t have to be a scary prospect for young people and that with all of the advances in care and treatment, the future is nothing but positive and empowering.
Read a summary of the report here and the full report can be found here.