The competition drew to a close at end of May and after much deliberation, our winners have finally been chosen. We want to say a huge thank you to everyone who sent in their action shots. Your love for your chosen sports and activities, your determination to keep being the best you can be at them and the fact that you don’t let haemophilia hold you back is truly inspirational.
We chose three winners, Georgia, Zac and Lode. Their photos were perfect examples of our ‘Move more, be more’ message and showed them all participating in the activities they love. For our winners their chosen sports were cycling and football, but there were a wide range of sports in all of the submissions. We are so happy to see that all of you are getting out there and having fun.
“I have loved seeing all of the amazing photos that the Little Bleeders submitted.” said Alex, “In fact, they have inspired me to get out and try some new activities myself when I have some free time. I’m so proud of all of these young people for not letting their haemophilia hold them back, well done to you all!”
Be sure to read the Q&As from our winners to learn more about them!